nutrient rich

Spring Compost Giveback is Live!

If you are an O-Town subscriber, it’s time to claim your free share of compost in your customer portal. Subscribers will be able to order a share throughout March from the shop in your customer portal. See instructions below to order your share today. Happy planting y’all. 🌱🌻🌺

The top right corner of our website, login to your account.

Click the button above labeled “shop.”

Add the product “Compost Giveback Spring 2022” to your cart, and check out. The share of compost will be delivered on your next service date.

It's Time For the Fall Compost Giveback! 🌱🌶🥕🥑

We’re doing the giveback a little differently this season.

O-Town Compost subscribers now have the option to go to the shop in their customer profile, and order their 20lbs share of O-Town Black Gold finished compost! Once ordered, you will be receiving it on the next regularly scheduled pickup date. Please don’t forget to put out the empty bucket after you’ve used your compost!

Subscribers have until 10/15 to order their free share of compost for the Fall until our next giveback in March 2022.

Follow the instructions below to order your share of free compost. Happy planting 😉

Step 1. Login to customer portal

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Step 2. Select the ‘Shop’ tab on the menu at the top

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Step 3. Order the free item titled “Compost Giveback - Fall 2021”

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